Friday, April 27, 2012

Basil vs Ratty the toy

At IKEA today I got the cats a bundle of little toys and finger puppets.

James theory is that we need to train the cats to kill mice seeing as they were so lousy at it when he tried to get them to do it. 

Apparently Basil is our only hope ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lexi vs Plastic sleeve!

Our cats aren't that particularly plastic bag obsessed, but then given you have to pay for plastic bags here in the ACT, we don't really leave them lying around, they go in a cupboard to be reused. We mainly use the enviro bags.

What our cats DO love though, is plastic sleeves! Strange I know. But then they are all quite special.

 Tonight was Lexi's turn... I had a sleeve sitting on the bed and she dived into it, literally. We often refer to her as Maru (if you haven't seen the Maru videos, you have to look them up on youtube!) as she does running dives into boxes. The other day she got the Soda Stream box stuck on her head ;)

 So I got the camera ready and waited to see if she would give the plastic sleeve some love again. I didn't have to wait long...


 Note: no cats or plastic sleeves were harmed in the making of this film.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cat Burglar

So apparently we have a pick pocket in our midst!

He continues... yummy money!!!

Apparently Daddy's money isn't any good!

Patticake with Demonic Sporn Cat

A novel in pictures...

Hello lovely kitty, how do you do? My name is Oscar and I'm a lovely cat...

Aww... patticake patticake bakers men... I like playing with you kitty!

I von to suck your blooooood!

Sorry kitty, what did you say???


The End.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kitty Bjorn

James and I are thinking of manufacturing Kitty Bjorns ;)
 She was happily carried around for about 5 minutes LOL!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hanging out...

This morning Basil was trying to share Elly's food, but her cone got in the way! Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get it on video! But then Bert decided the best way to share her food, was to get in her cone... Note Basil smooching up to Elly ;) That kitten has NO fear and will stand between her legs and share her food. He also will let her lick him.

 Then G was getting ready to put her shoes on and Basil thought that was AWESOME!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Well the marriage part is obvious, James and I are getting married yay!

Now onto the animals...

We got 4 lovely chickens in March.





These are their digs!

Sadly, this morning I found Satay dead. Not sure what happened. I don't think she was set on by the other chooks. Soy has been sick and I've been giving her antibiotics and she has improved and seems good now. Satay was possible sneezing as well, I wasn't sure, but she was no where near as sick as Soy! We may never know.

Onto other less sad news... On Monday Elly had her entropian operated on. Hopefully it will help her and will mean that she won't have sore eyes all the time. Though it does mean a few weeks of irritation and pain :/ She is on pain killers, antibiotics and eye drops.

This was her when she got home...

She was so spaced out, I took a video to show that it wasn't just a one second thing!

She is MUCH better now!

On cat news... Basil is growing like a weed! This morning they were playing with the water coming out of the tap.