Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My cat uses toilet paper...

Our quest to toilet train the cats is a somewhat frustrating endeavour. We were hoping it would be easy, after all the instructions make it sound so easy!! While you are meant to just pop the red disc in the holder on the toilet and then take away your cats litter tray and show them the litter in the disc, in practice it meant Lexi wee'd in the shower MORE and Syd started pooing on the floor.

So then we tried the orange disc (which has a hole in the middle) and surprisingly we had some success with that for a few days and then that stopped. So then we decided to try going back to the litter tray and slowly moving it up higher. We did this for 2 weeks until now it is ockey strapped onto the toilet. Our plan is to then put the orange ring into the litter tray and then take the litter tray away and leave the orange ring in the holder. I will put the orange ring in the litter tray this weekend (I only make changes on weekends so that I don't have to come home to "surprises.")

So Syd, being the cultured feline that he is, makes sure that he cleans up after himself. He paws away at the edge of the tray like a demon. His latest trick though, is to paw at the toilet roll. Today though, he was being a good and tidy kitty and not only pawed at it, but tore it off and used it to cover his poo ;)

That's right, my cat uses toilet paper!

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