Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hurricane Bandit

This is why we spend every weekend cleaning up the deck. We have semi given up, and will just sweep once he grows out of it, in a year or two LOL! At least with this he isn't destroying anything (as much!) Lucky he is adorable and affectionate and very very sweet natured (like when he was so busy trying to get onto James' chest for a cuddle that he smacked James in the mouth with his big fat paw!)

We think we might get a broom handle for him to play with, and it might stop him backyard blitzing our yard!


  1. He is very cute and busy. I'm really looking forward to meeting him. He reminds me of one of my exasperating Year 10s... ;-)

  2. as long as he uses little bushes, not big trees. lol. I once had a dog that never chewed anything. We had made his favorite toy, a bicycle inner tube tied to a rope. He played tug of war, he chewed up several inner tubes before he grew up, but he loved his innertubes. I also used to have a big puppy that used to pull up 15' trees (5 meters?) trees and drag them around the yard. Hopefully your baby will stay with small bushes. he's cute as heck, isn't he?

  3. Sue, he is VERY busy, very similar to toddlers with their wiggly bottoms!

    Wahela, luckily he doesn't pull them out, we had removed those trees and stacked them all, he then decided to disperse them around the yard heheh Mostly him pulling them up on the back, and then us putting them back etc, rinse, repeat!
