Monday, June 27, 2011

Pancakes, Cat Flu and Fricken Lasers

So poor Syd has cat flu again :( I came home from work and his eye was 1/2 closed and full of gunk. So I rang the vet who said to bring him down straight away. A shot of 14 day antibiotics, and a shot of antiinflammatories later, and he seems ok, except for the gunk coming out his eye. He has to have eye drops twice a day. Here's hoping it doesn't get worse and that no one else gets struck down (the boys had it not long before moving in with us.) The vet said it could be the stress of bringing the boys into the house or them bringing it back in again.

Last night, James had pancakes (after two successive blackouts!) and he always gives the last pancakes to the dogs. Now the cats get 1/4 pancake each. Though Oscar ate 1/2 on his own and Syd and Lexi weren't interested. Bert decided to play with his..

Speak of playing, even though Syd isn't feeling well, he was still up for a game of chase the laser!

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